- B.A., History with a minor in Business, Washington State University Tri-Cities
- 2019 graduate of Western Association of Chamber Executives Academy
Tri-Cities area residents first became familiar with Elisabeth as a decade-long key figure for the Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce, including in the role of Vice President. Before that, she was Program & Event Director for the Wenatchee Downtown Association. In 2023, she came to Baker Boyer as Tri-Cities Manager.
With roots that run deep — she is the second of three generations to attend Kennewick High School — she is vested in the health and success of the community and sees the achievements of her clients as central to both. She creates a space for clients where they can openly discuss their financial goals and legacy dreams, and works to match them with programs and solutions that align with their vision
Elisabeth serves on the Trios Health Board of Directors and the Board of the Girl Scouts of Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho. She is also a member of the Historic Preservation Commission for the City of Kennewick.