Setting the Stage

Mariah Greenaway
Branch Coordinator
Kennewick, WA
By day, Mariah Greenaway’s role is Kennewick Branch Coordinator. Since November 2020, she has served in the administrative position that has grown from coordination of everything from scheduling to internal charity efforts to include retail banking supervision.
After work, she begins her second act. Evenings set the stage for her volunteerism in community theater. Mariah has immersed herself with The Richland Players. “Over the last year and a half, I’ve been able to do stage building, tech support, costume assistance, a little bit of acting — and meeting a lot of people,” she says. “It’s a great way to introduce people to the arts, make our community a bit more beautiful, and create good, family entertainment.”
She says it also hones a philosophy she’s developed through Baker Boyer’s support of volunteerism and charitable contributions: “It’s reinvesting in the community, rather than just living in it,” she says. The Bank’s approach to service was part of Baker Boyer’s initial attraction for Mariah. “That’s something that impressed me when I was newer,” she says. In her work at the branch, she’s helped coordinate holiday toy drives for children in the foster system; food sorting at the food bank; fun-run sponsorships; and other fundraising partnerships for causes near and dear to the community.
Volunteerism outside of work has touched on Mariah’s passion for the arts. “It’s something that’s been a really important part of my life — whether it’s film and television, performance art or static media, like painting and graphic design,” she says. “It tells us so much about what’s important to those around us. I’m not alone in my emotions. I’m not alone in my struggles in life.”
It also has returns in her professional life. “Being in the theater and being involved in it is a way to learn empathy, listen, take feedback, use feedback — it can be so empowering to somebody,” she says.