The Impact of Localized Giving

If local businesses are the backbone of a community, then nonprofit organizations provide the heartbeat. Together, they fortify neighborhoods with services, support, and positive change that enhances the quality of life for their residents.
That’s why a thriving community needs businesses to invest in its nonprofits and civic organizations. Localized giving encompasses all the ways companies can infuse their support —
financially and otherwise — into their communities.
For every $1 donated to nonprofits, communities receive a reported $3 in public benefits. Localized giving includes direct contributions, employee donations, company matching funds, and corporate volunteerism.
The efforts are more likely to support charities, youth organizations, first responders, service groups and more, making a difference directly to those who call the community home. It also has the potential for other effects, including job creation, volunteer opportunities, and a chance to learn new skills for those who participate.
In 2023, Baker Boyer made charitable gifts and sponsorships totaling more than $100,000 to 67 organizations in its service areas. The missions of the organizations range from youth sports, animal rescue and community events to health care, the arts and education programs.
“Investing locally and supporting community initiatives helps us thrive together,” says Baker Boyer President and CEO Mark Kajita. “This value is intertwined in the Baker Boyer culture — making us more than a Bank, but also a community pillar.”
Of the Bank’s direct contributions in the Walla Walla, Tri-Cities and Yakima markets, $66,665 was dedicated to business and economic development efforts; $22,672 went to education and youth development programs; and $11,754 was used in community health work.
Baker Boyer employees voluntarily donated $9,414 in payroll deductions through United Way. Those contributions were partially matched by the Bank for a total of $14,121.
Furthermore, each employee is provided an opportunity to volunteer up to eight paid hours a year. That leads to a potential of more than 1,600 volunteer hours in our local communities. Volunteerism fosters a deeper connection between employees and the mission of local organizations, strengthening the bonds of the community.
Drawing on resources, expertise, and time, businesses can contribute to a legacy of positive change through localized giving for a brighter future for all.